Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hummingbirds were hanging around yesterday evening.
I think the Mrs. stopped long enough just to check out
what I was working on! 
(I was knitting a child's sweater!) 

crocheted hats. 

I run in the path of Your commands,
for You have set my heart free.
Ps. 119:32

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Black Swallowtails must have been hatching yesterday.
I found at least 5 of them in the Larkspur patch!
crocheted hats. 

I rejoice in following Your statutes 
as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on Your precepts 
and consider Your ways.
Ps. 119:14-15

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The beautiful, fragrant blossoms of my Cigar Tree!
This is one of my pride and joy trees.
I started this tree from seed about 16 yrs ago.
and it has already had an exciting life full of ups and downs!
The seed came from my ex's grandmothers place.
I knew her since I was a child and think of her often.

crocheted hats. 

I seek You with all my heart;
do not let me stray from Your commands.
I have hidden Your word in my heart
that I might not sin against You.
Ps. 119:10-11

Monday, May 28, 2012

Here we thought only the furry, four-legged critters 
were messing with the flowers!!
Mrs. Snapping Turtle wasn't too happy that I found her
and then took the opportunity for a photo shoot! 
She quickly found her way back to the water! 

crocheted hat. 
in the morning sun
against the Lupines. 

For God is greater than our hearts,
and He knows everything. 
1 John 3:20

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The birds are enjoying the full
birdbath with this record-breaking heat.
And it gives me a perfect spot for photo ops!

crocheted hat. 

This is His command:
to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ,
 and to love one another as He commanded us.
1 John 3:2-3

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Long-tailed Weasel.
Having his meals in our pond for a few days! 

crocheted hat. 

The Lord is with me;
I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?
Ps. 118:6

Friday, May 25, 2012

Blue Flax. 
So dainty and beautiful! 
Another favorite at this time of year!

crocheted hat

And now dear lady, I am not writing you a new command 
but one we have had from the beginning.
I ask that we love one another.
And this is love:
that we walk in obedience to His commands.
2 John 5-6

Thursday, May 24, 2012

early morning hummer
relaxing on the rose bush
enjoying the sunrise

crocheted hat. 

This is love for God:
to obey His commands.
And His commands are not burdensome,
for everyone born of God
overcomes the world.
1 John 5:3-4

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Went outside with my morning coffee this morning.
I love taking pictures in the morning light at this of year!

crocheted hat. 

Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous:
"The Lord's right hand has done mighty things!"
Ps. 118:15

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There is nothing that compares to the wonderful scent
of a wild rose! 
There is nothing as thorny either! 
(ok, the smell really does remind me of the smell
of some old Avon bottles!)

crocheted hats. 
among the geraniums. 

This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Ps. 118:24

Monday, May 21, 2012

The beautiful, peaceful images of summer. 
Daisy's and quilts hanging on the clothes line. 
Child's T-top style knitted sweater. 
Worked with Bernat Harmony yarn. 

Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him,
so that he will not be overwhelmed by excess sorrow.
2 Cor. 2:7

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Picture perfect day at the river!
crocheted hat. 

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,
who finds great delight in His commands.
Ps. 112:1

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A leisure breakfast! 
Not at all concerned with the busy people
 quickly passing by! 
He must be a 'people watcher'!

crocheted hat.

Good will come to him who is generous 
and lends freely,
who conducts his affairs with justice.
Ps. 112:5

Friday, May 18, 2012

the baby robins look so lost when they seem 
to get left behind during the flying lessons! 

crocheted hat. 

If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
with the pointing of finger and malicious talk,
and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.
Is. 58:9-10

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This pink peonie was given to me by my dad.
Every year it gets bigger and with more wonderful, 
beautiful flowers!

crocheted hat
as you can tell, I had a thing for bright yellow
for a short time! 

This is love:
not that we loved God,
but that He loved us
and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice
 for our sins. 
1 John 4:10

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The peonies are beginning to bloom. 
This white one was given to me by my ex-MIL.
It is very special to me and brings a smile to 
my heart each year when it blooms so beautifully!
crocheted hat. 

There is no fear in love.
But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The man who fears is not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another favorite color 
in a new to me iris! 

crocheted hats. 

Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us,
 we have confidence before God
 and receive from Him anything we ask, 
because we obey His commands 
and do what pleases Him.
1 John 3:21-22

Monday, May 14, 2012

the chives along the shed are in full bloom!

crocheted hats. 
playing with colors! 

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue
but with actions and in truth. 
1 John 3:18

Sunday, May 13, 2012

'Mama!, I'm hungry!'
A mom's work is never done! 
Happy Mother's Day!
Crocheted baby sweaters. 
Such a quick and easy little pattern!

Give us aid against the enemy,
 for the help of man is worthless.
With God we will gain the victory, 
and He will trample down our enemies.
Ps. 108:12-13

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A day of daisy's!
They are in full bloom and just 
begging for photo ops! 

crocheted hat
snuggled in with the daisy's! 

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, 
and let Your glory be over all the earth. 
Ps. 108:5

Friday, May 11, 2012

Missed another one!
This is the second Praying Mantis cocoon that 
looks like it has hatched and I missed it! I haven't even
 seen any babies yet! 
But I'm not giving up. I know where there are 
a couple more that I am keeping an eye on. 

Crocheted hat. 
Worked with one strand of bright yellow and 
one strand of self-patterning yarn. 

Do not be misled:
"Bad company corrupts 
good character."
1 Cor. 15:33

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hubby shot this little fellow this morning
while sitting at the breakfast table!

crocheted hats. 

For God is not a God of disorder
but of peace. 
1 Cor. 14:33

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

my very first bright orange iris!
reminds me why this is my favorite color!
crocheted hat.
among the geraniums

Light is shed upon the righteous 
and joy on the upright in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous,
and praise His holy name.
Ps. 97:11-12 

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

the iris are beginning to bloom!
so many colors! 
so many photo ops!
Kids knitted T-top style sweater.
Red Heart Stripes yarn 
in Sonoma Stripes colorway.
I love making these T-tops! 
My life is busy enough right now that these are just
the perfect project to have handy to keep
my fingers busy, without much thinking!
They are so very versatile. 
Any size, any texture, any color. 

The Lord has established His throne in heaven,
and His kingdom rules over all.
Ps. 103:19

Monday, May 07, 2012

Star of Bethlehem. 
nestled among the Lilies.
crocheted hat.
nestled among the chives! 

From everlasting to everlasting
the Lord's love is with those
who fear Him.
Ps. 103:17