For the past 30 yrs or so, TODAY, has been one of my most favorite days.
It has always felt like the entire world and everyone in it was aglow
with happy expectation and excitement. (you know, BEFORE all the
stress of the season really started!)
Today, the day BEFORE Thanksgiving has always made my heart happy.
The joyful preparation for amazing, great days ahead.
This year is different.
As it should be.
Our world is different.
BUT we still have reasons to be thankful and joyful
and praise be to God! He is still on His throne!
He is still the Ruler and Creator of all things.
He is still in control of all things: all powers and authorities (Eph. 1:10)
HIS hand is still working out everything to the good of those
He has chosen, those who live according to HIS WILL. (Romans 8:28)
Today may look and feel different. But its ok.
We will still praise God and thank HIM
for just being...HIM!!!